Special Funding

Julfikar Haldar

33 year old man, married with 3 children who regularly attend school. Julfikar’s elderly mother lives with them.

Asura Khatoon

Asura Khatoon, a 4 year old girl has been on Calcutta Rescue’s Supplementary Feeding Pro­gramme.

Sukhla Ghosh

When her kidneys started failing 4 years ago, Sukhla raised the money for treatment and dialyses herself.

Guffur Ali Mollah

Guffur is 40 and he suffers from Hypertension (HTN) along with Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD) and chronic renal disease.

Animesh Mondal

Animesh is 23; he was donated a kidney from his mother. « I was lucky to be compatible with my mother, he says, otherwise I don’t know what we would have done ».